Monday 1 December 2014


Ok, so for those of you feeling the crunch of exams coming up... here is your guidelines for your areas of study. Use the Art Dept. website ( as your point of reference for all this information. It has all the Masters of Photography on it as well as the Surrealist artists and artwork we studied during the semester. 

For the exam you must:

1. Know your Elements & Principles and what they are... 

Elements: Colour, Value, Line, Texture, Shape, Form and Space

Principles: Balance, Rhythm/Movement, Unity/Harmony, Pattern, Proportion, Contrast, Emphasis  (for reference)

2. Know your Masters of Photography (Artist and what they're known for)

Adams, Arbus, Burtynsky, Cunningham, Erwitt, Friedlander, Goldin, Halsman, Karsh, LaChapelle, Liebovitz, Sherman, Uelsmann

3. Know about the Dada movement. 

(Where did they get their name? What were they trying to do? Why were they created?)

4. Know 3 major Surrealist Artists and their artwork. (Be able to tell the difference between them) Hint: The ones below MAY be on the exam specifically.

Salvador Dali, 

Rene Magritte

Marc Chagall

Joan Miro

4. Know the 5 guidelines for Surrealism

They followed a formula for painting. 

Surrealist art is about:
JUXTAPOSITION (joining objects in unusual combinations)
NATURAL LAWS are reversed
SCALE CHANGE (things are bigger or smaller than they should be)
DOUBLE IMAGES (repetition of objects)

SYMBOLS (things that are meant to represent other things)

5. Know the difference between frottage and grattage. 

a sheet of paper is placed on a textured surface and then the artist draws the shapes they discover underneath – believed the unconscious guided the shapes and lines revealed as the artist randomly drew

layers of dry paint are scraped off a dry canvas in order to discover patterns, some of which would be incorporated into paintings

That's it in a nutshell. For images, use the website as a reference. They're all on there. You will see the same images used in your exam, so it's the place to go to see what sort of things will be on your exam!

Good Luck!!!!

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